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$("#gb-logo-outer").width(imgWidth); }, Athletic achievement after departure from Jesuit High School.
"contactEmail" : "chayes@boazk12.org", The Hall of Fame is the direct result of the perseverance and dedication of it's founding members who include: Many thanks to all of these individuals for their initiative in pursuing . '
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' + }, This year's inductees include: David Barksdale (Class of 1971); Denise Parrish Beckwith (1981); Bill Briscoe (1974); Juan Dontrese Brown (1991); Stephanie Lynch Harpenau (2005); Carol }); .wrap('
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" + myviewBtn + "").prependTo("#sw-myaccount-list"); The Hall of Fame recognizes individuals and teams who performed with distinction while at St. Joes or who have been instrumental in the overall development and success of athletics at the school. ** Use: This will smoothly scroll to the id that was passed to the function. $(".rs-photo-gallery-desc-outer, .rs-gallery-bottom-control-inner .rs-gallery-desc-trigger").addClass("cs-hide-desc"); var channelBarOffset = $("#gb-channel-list-outer").offset().top; if($('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-bullets-outer').length > 0 ){ } else if ($("#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-bullet-control.back").length) { e.preventDefault(); The Richmond Public Schools High School Athletic Hall of Fame will have nominees from all high schools. ["Galician", "galego", "gl"], },
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' + $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').addClass('force-hide-caption'); The Athletics Hall of Fame dates to a 2015 inaugural. } var mmg = eval("multimediaGallery" + $("#sw-content-container10.ui-hp .ui-widget.app.multimedia-gallery:first").attr("data-pmi")); if($(".sw-mystart-button.pw").length) { ["Western Frisian", "Western Frysk", "fy"], } return r+', '+g+', '+b; dropdownKeyboardFunctionality($('~ .dropdown', this), true); $(this).parent().prev().children().children().next().append(moveArticle); var isSticky = 0; div.homepage-thumb-region.region-7 {
The IHSAA's four Halls of Fame recognize the achievements of Iowa's numerous student-athletes, coaches, and officials. // CAPTURE KEY CODE '
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