We cant, we dont have the power to say no arbitrarily. (btw great photo!). Thanks for stopping by and thanks for posting! One of the most toxic was drywall which contained sulfuric acid, why would you put sulfuric acid in drywall, many people were sickened from it. 11. The time to start pondering that is now. U.S. water deal means end of Great Lakes, Ontario mayor warns. Every day our ports are filled with imports from China, how many of these items make it to the consumer without being tested for toxic substances. The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum. That about six quadrillions (6,000,000,000,000,000) gallons, enough to cover the entire lower 48 of the United States with over nine feet of water. China Taiwan 1966 Sc#1483-85 Festivals Stamps. MNH. O.Gum. Sc#1485 LH The World's 25 Largest Lakes, Side by Side - Visual Capitalist Look at spending, priorities and needs. Some question using the word stealing with Nestles pumping of millions of gallons of fresh Michigan groundwater for their own profit. Are Foreign Companies Stealing Great Lakes Water? If you found your way to this article recently, you may have discovered it on Snopes or another mythbuster page. The extreme low levels earlier this year left many asking, Where did the water go? The answer is that it simply evaporated. You imply that Michigan is not the only state willing to sell out our environmental heritage to bad actors like Nestl. Surely we have the brain power, human ingenuity and spirit to do more than concern ourselves with territories and pacts of the past. The 2008 pact that was created to safeguard the Great Lakes water supply has a provision that allows areas on the edge of the Great Lakes watershed to request diversions, but Waukesha is the first town to do so. Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec, Image by E Pluribus Anthony via wikimedia.org Public Domain. NEXT Sherrill Faw Realty, LLC www.SherrillFaw.com We can show you any listing in Wilkes County including HUD forclosures. in order to resolve the dilemma. Although groundwater extraction is an important concern for reasons that I wont elaborate here, there is really no comparison with the amount of water lost through evaporation. The mayor of a northwestern Ontario town located on the shore of Lake Superior is expressing his disappointment over the decision to allow a Wisconsin town to draw water from Lake Michigan. Most Americans dont realize this, but earlier this year water levels in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan were at their lowest levels ever recorded. In 2018 there was a public comment period in which over 80,000 Michigan residents submitted objections to a permit that allows Nestle to pump over half a million gallons of water a day from Michigan aquafers. This helps set the stage for huge dust storms in the future. The Michigan EGLE received an unprecedented number of public comments on Nestles pompous request. The Mekong River Commission facilitates regional diplomacy between Mekong countries. Recent studies show this is not the cause of low water. Link to original source article, questions and commentary, Your email address will not be published. Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. I dare say very few. China stealing/ taking the Great Lakes water, then selling it back to us. Are Foreign Companies Stealing Great Lakes Water? Per the compact rules, Waukesha would have to return the same amount of water it takes from Lake Michigan back into the lake. Water export - Wikipedia China stealing/ taking the Great Lakes water, then selling it back to us. This overused inflammatory headline refers to the ability of companies to bottle water within the Great Lakes watershed. How long can Great Lakes fend off thirsty world from water diversions Spot on!!! . John Lenters, a lake and climate scientist at the University of NebraskaLincoln, helped put some of these numbers in perspective in a previous post on the topic. Short of slowing or reversing global climate trends something that would require a major societal shift away from fossil fuel dependence, which few people seem to be talking about an adaptive approach to management of water levels is being promoted. Illinois had an unfunded pension liability of $137 billion in December 2019, according to a Reuters report. Record low rain falls, and a climate that goes through cycles some of them thousands if mot millions of years old, (lo[n]g before man) and its impossible to know what cycle we are in. The revenue from the sale of water could be used to shore up state budgets and provide relief for lakefront communities impacted by the lake levels, Henderson proposed. "On average, Lake Superior loses 29 billion gallons of water PER DAY through evaporation," he told me. Please share this article with as many people as you can. About half of Texas is experiencing moderate to severe drought.. I think we should really listen to these conspiracey theorys. Manas Lake. A safe money bet would be that another "ice age" will occure in the next 100,000 years, which will render the Nestle problem moot, a dozen time over. Lake Powell is draining due to climate change what does this mean for the local environment? The only dredging that occurs today is to keep rivers at authorized depths for navigation. Free shipping for many products! We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a volume equivalent to two-thirds of the water in Lake Erie has been permanently drained from the Ogallala Aquifer since 1940. 2022-06-07 . It has been estimated that the state of California only has a 20 year supply of fresh water left. Because they're cheap Made in China bottles, then all that boat oil water will run all over the Chinese Bottle factory causing major accidents. What in the world is Barack Obama thinking? Once sales are implemented what happens when lake levels return to normal? Lake Powell is fed by the once mighty Colorado River, and at this point the flow of water into the lake has been reduced to a trickle. Higher than average precipitation throughout most of the region in July left Lakes Erie and Ontario with above average water levels for this time of year, according to the most recentmonthly water level reportby the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Detroit District Office. A single no vote would have scuttled the citys plan. The issue is not engineering ingenuity, rather the astonishing lack of integrity among negotiating parties or consideration for the dispossessed (check the headlines) that would sway any water-diversion scheme to the Great Lakes and the nations disadvantage. Gary. Given the well-documented trends in the region, it would be difficult to show that human-induced climate change is not having an effect on lake levels. Office: 336-903-0060 Cell: 336-957-7600, www.deep-reflection.com/styrofoam-hinged-trays-44138236.html, Deep Reflection, Inc has 1/2 truckload of Styrofoam hinged trays. I was raised to understand that when you have a problem you must look at what behavior or circumstances led to that problem (debt, lack of resources etc.) John, your skepticism is warranted. Not only is this the largest freshwater system in the world, the supply of water that sustains the lakes is affected by global climate change. I still think this would work and solve many problems! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for China Taiwan 1966 Sc#1483-85 Festivals Stamps. If you can produce proof, as opposed to heresay, I will gladly post pictures or first hand statements from those who witnessed such activity. 6. Nestle filed for a new permit that would allow the company to pump 400 gallons of water each minute of the day, 365 days a year. We will still be paying taxes to the government, they in turn will try to ruin our economy and the cycle shall repeat itself. The depletion is most severe in the southern portion of the aquifer, especially in Texas, where the water table beneath sizeable areas has dropped 100-150 feet; in smaller pockets, it has dropped more than 150 feet. How about water? Nestl Makes Billions Bottling Water It Pays Nearly Nothing For Sadly, most Americans are not aware of any of these things. However, a 2000 report by the International Joint Commission noted that the Great Lakes basin imports 14 times the amount of bottled water that is withdrawn and shipped elsewhere. Enter by 4/16, We can show you any listing in Wilkes County including HUD forclosures. At a time when the United States is facing the greatest water crisis that it has ever known, Obama is allowing water from the Great Lakes to be drained, bottled and shipped to China and other countries around the globe. It turns out that the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is powerless to stop the foreign company from proceeding with its pumping. Water diversions in the Great Lakes basin are regulated by appropriate state, provincial and federal government authorities. See our affiliate disclosure for details. That is why Michigan is the first target for ICBM's from Russia and China, Zebo the Least. In comparison, investment in natural solutions that could improve water quality by 10% in China's 30 fastest growing cities would cost about $300 million each year. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. How likely is the fear the West could steal Great Lakes water? the choice is yours. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy, 2013 MLive Media Group All rights reserved (About Us). In a lengthy phone interview, Henderson told Great Lakes Now that he claims no expertise in water resource management, though early in his professional career he was a geological engineer. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, google.com, pub-2848125826401092, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0. But the driest year on record has left the reservoirs so depleted and the delta so fragile that state water officials say they may be able to provide just 5 percent of the water he and others were expecting for next year. On Tuesday, a panel representing the governors of eight states surrounding the Great Lakes approved the diversion request from Waukesha, Wis. Required fields are marked *. The Milwaukee suburb of Waukesha, Wisconsin, with dangerous radium levels in their groundwater, has been approved to borrow up to 8.4 million gallons of Lake Michigan water every day (or 3 billion gallons every year). Lie #4 Foreign companies are pumping water out of the Great Lakes without limits. good golly miss molly demons in wilkes, idolatry with christmas trees, china stealing our waterwhat else is gonna ruin this holiday season???? Nestl agreed to lower its spring pumping in Michigan earlier in the spring season during fish spawning and continue low pumping during the summer months to protect the already stressed stream and lake. Rather than throwing up our arms in defeat or spending comparable amounts of money on inadequate attempts at a solution, why not engineer a fix that kills two birds with one stone? They just assume that there will always be plenty of fresh water for all of us to use just like there always has been. Before it gets shipped back the water with all the boat oil will eat through the bottles. Long before Obama was a national politician, Canada was looking to sell Great Lakes water wholesale. Companies can collect and bottle water in the Great Lakes region but only in containers of 5.7 gallons or less. Just ask residents of the Klamath Falls/Detroit Dam region in Oregon. water. Nestle Continues Stealing World's Water During Drought - MintPress News 3. the following list of 15 facts about the coming water crisis is from one of my previous articles entitled Dust Bowl Conditions Are Literally Returning To The Western Half Of The United States. And most Americans do not realize this, but the Colorado River does not run all the way to the ocean any longer. The task of looking after such a large area is daunting. However, the water collection is not directly from the lakes but the aquifers in the region. With her husband, she co-foundedLakeNet, a world lakes network, and co-wrote a sailing guide called The Black Sea based on their voyage around the sea in 2010. A company from Switzerland, Nestl, has been operating a water bottling plant in Michigan since 2000. Then bottle it in single-use plastic and sell it back to us. She was pretty clear regarding her Witch Doctors power. I. How The Current Congress' "Upcycled" Bills Claim To End The Federal Grasp On Education Is Actually Undermining Americans Once Again, Taking Sides: The Christian's Responsibility in Civic Affairs II, EgyptAir MS804 Flight Attendant posted Picture on Facebook of Plane crashing a year before She Died, Blue Angels Marine Pilot Capt. Recently the blogosphere and news sites have been bristling that Barack Obama is allowing water from the Great Lakes region to be pumped and sold to China. If Nestle doubles its consumption, the Great Lakes will be drained in 16,000,000 years. and a purchased bottle costs maybe 1,50-3,00sfr. Jeff Kuss Could Have Ejected Once He Knew His Plane Was Going To CrashBut He Didnt, Man Jailed After Claiming to be Transgender to Assault Women in Shelter, Trump: Democrats Against North Korea Summit Just Like They Defend MS-13 & Attack Tax Cuts. Water is absolutely a commodity that should be bought and sold, he said, and a futures market for water would help to get water where it is needed.. You can unsubscribe at any time using the link in our emails. Most likely its 20+ times as much.one 3ft pipeline may work for oil, but how about 20 of them for water? It seems almost every month the FDA is recalling this junk including many items made for children. Chinese dams held back Mekong waters during drought, study finds They export numerous cheap items to our country tainted with toxic and cancer causing substances. CBC News Posted: Jun 23, 2016 6:00 AM ET Last Updated: Jun 23, 2016 6:00 AM ET, Richard Harvey, mayor of the town of Nipigon in northwestern Ontario, says he is very disappointed by the decision to allow Waukesha, Wis., to divert water from Lake Michigan. Freshwater Future providing a forum for the free exchange of ideas among citizens and organizations working to protect water resources in the Great Lakes Basin. For the latest breaking news and updates in Ann Arbor and the surrounding area, see. His calculation is based on the annual average rate, but he notes that the daily evaporation rate can be ten times higher during the late fall. In 2004, China signed a multimillion-dollar fishing license agreement with North Korea that led to a drastic increase in the number of Chinese boats in North Korean waters. If this concerns you, read the IJC report, comment on its recommendations, and get involved with this and other Great Lakes restoration efforts aimed at finding solutions. In the end that will give all the illegals here in America new jobs and nothing will change for natural born Americans.
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