Please make sure you're playing the newest version as well, to the point where it honestly feels broken. Linux is higher on the priority list too. Could be a typo too. Haven't tried caves yet though, that's the real test, and I see you've got a fair amount of critique there already, as well as a fair amount of suggestions overall. Captivity is an adult, erotic action game in which you need to fight waves of sexually driven enemies. Thanks for reporting the bug! I think I will add the futa option as a wardrobe item you van put on. I hope this dosnt come off as rude but I think it would make more sense if the futa robots didnt make a metal sound when they rape you, makes it seem like its metal on metal, also will there more futa content in the future? and maybe have all items be in the store instead of random each round because RNG can fuck you sometimes. I'm taking it slow right now, and go step by step. I mostly added this because I thought it was a cool visual thing: which it is (I think). But building entire levels that look good and make sense is beyond me. Have a good day. As most people said, game is hard as balls, except the Shack, I was able to get all of the experiments there in 1.0.0 before trying another level and getting frustrated. I hope therewill be more content with hypnosis or mind control staffin the game (hypno-traps, bots with flashing hypno-eyes, brain parasites, microchip implant etc.). MaybeMac too in the future. How to Unlock the Door | A Captive Audience | Control Game (Side Mission Guide) 8,497 views Aug 28, 2019 1:02 Find a way into the room 1:56 Use seize to complete the astral plane challenge 120. When escaping from/finishing a rape, if you hold down a directional button BEFORE you escape, the player character stays still, I have many times gotten in a "stun-lock" because I was holding a direction and I couldn't escape. Thank you for making the game, i hadn't enjoyed a porn game as much as i have with this before :). gone after 1 guy and after the first 30% is gone it like 40% the next time which you fuck after that no matter what. If you look at the code, please remind yourself that all the code was done in the span of 3 w.e with no sleep literally in a dark basement. i thought it was a free game but from the photos i can see it's a quality game i think. (verygenerousofyoubtw). If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. But I do disagree :). Maybe in a future update. I would never be able to release it if I hadn't transformed the game into a wave shooter.The GUI of the note and keypad in the captivity room, and the keypad and key to unlock the Wunderwaffe in F.E.R are a result from the previous iteration of the game. Also, just in case you don't know already: Flies cannot face fuck you if you are not facing them while they are charging you. I'm gonna think of something good one day. Also maybe being able to upgrade a weapon's power for like double what it cost or something. We wanted to recreate a similar gameplay but in real life. only complaint is the "ejaculation noise" is a bit weird in my opinion, This game is perfect, the graphics, the gameplay, and the sex animations, i would love to see new stages quick as possible. --Controls: Move your character with the WASD keys. And yes, this is the first H-game I've released. I wouldn't get rid of it but maybe make it happens at the end of the round and birth all at once justwithout the timer counting down? Other than these gripes, i think the challenge this game brings is refreshing when it comes to porn games at least, and the variety of fetishes is more than enough to satisfy my depraved tastes. Great game, payed a little extra after messing around with it. To me the game is too easy: but that's most likely due to me playing the game for over 150 hours due to playtesting.I think you're right about the difficulty of the game. I think I like the brothel the most. I'm sorry you can't stand flies lol. Yeah, 21, so that's good. yes game balance should be the first thing to add, but this is still a complete game for only 3 bucks vs a ton of unfinished games which milk people for years. Simple. I'm glad to hear that you like the ideas that i was just spit balling out as it came to me and glad to hear that most of what i said seem to help out. Look there for any information you want. There's nothing to listen to in the PDA, no notes, and I've wandered around for 1/2 hour looking for . Gangbang scenes will be quite difficult to implement with the way I've programmed and designed this game. I've noticed some pretty good H-games stuck in development for like 2 years, with Patreon pages still being up. A bunch of graphics in Space Station are also recycled.Maybe I will post a unfinished build of what the game used to be. We had around 20 esp "nodes" all talking together over wifi by running ROS with its pub/sub pattern. But it's kinda too late for that now.Thanks for your feedback! Then again i might just not active the puppet robot next time to see if i can do better. Transitioning from mouse on the side that is the direction the character is moving to behind the character needs a bit slower of a deceleration. Gallery mode is next on todolist!The orange android with no legs is just there for fun, she doesn't do anything. The remaining 66% of my motivation is to develop a good, fun game.But I see what you mean. That sucks. I want to create some sort of area/room alongside the captivity room where you can play around with npc's. I'm a programmer, not an artist. I'm thinking of new ways to explore this. )Pirates maybe?Hell : Devil and such.Accordingly Heaven : Angel, Pegasus and so on.Ranch: Horse, Bull, Pig.Could you say what we can roughly expect in the next big update ?And is this you first H-game?Lastly I want to say I hope I don't come over entitled, like I want that and that these are just some Ideas (Except Gallery that's an order ;D) and I just really like this game a lot and want to see it becoming even better. I'm glad to hear you have an interest in more hypnosis content for your game, and the option for futanari as a wardrobe option is a good idea. I was thinking to make it so completing the Hunter challenges (Zombie I Hunter, Death Hound Hunter etc.) I'm gonna think about this one and see if it won't cause problems/be overpowered.The wake up animation after returning to the bunker is maybe too long. If this guide doesn't work, try to google other guides to make Norton ignore specific files and folders.I don't think Norton is going take a lone indie hentai game developer too seriously (just a hunch lol). However, there is a lack of gallery or sandbox mode/map (e.g. Oh, thanks, I thought progress will being reset. I still haven't got all the idols is it a chance drop or a end of theround drop? No, I don't think Death Hound pregnancy will work too well. As most people said, game is hard as balls, except the Shack, I was able to get all of the experiments there in 1.0.0 before trying another level and getting frustrated. Thanks for reporting!I'm not going to move the vendors closer I think. Some animations are too long (like Goblin Minor animation). However, I am quite sure I want to add more pregnancy stuff in future stages. I wish there was more mind-control and hypnosis themed stuff in the game, but I hope there'll be more of it avaliable in the future, -enemy threesomes/gangbang scenes-enemy animation/scene gallery-upgrades-meeting with other captives-a different ending-shemale/futanari customization for player character, and finally, I hope this expands past just 2 more levels. I'm 100% sure that some people find escaping very very easy while others find it near impossible. You mean being able to just give up midway through the game cause you think you've lost? The Specialty could be that they can tie you up with ropes like arms you can't use items/weapons or legs you can't move and you need to go through a mini-game(like escaping an H-attack) to get rid of them but you can getattackwhile doing so would decrease the amount of enemies a bit for that reason. This game needs some lesbian love (even though futa's are sort of women too. I love where this is going, still needs some balancing here and there but overall this initial release offers more content than many other games that have been around for way longer without smelling greed too much. And that in only about 2.5 days. Captivity | Indie Horror Game | PC Gameplay Walkthrough CJUGames 120K subscribers Subscribe 934 Share 17K views 3 years ago #Captivity #IndieGames Escape-The-Room puzzle game. The repository is divided into 2 directories, the "captivity_catkin_ws" folder and the "ESP" folder. ;-), I'mgonnalookintoLinux soon, maybe a couple of days from now. Captivity is a project to create an interactive room/gaming environment. I think I will remove this random element and just present all the drugs every time you enter the Drug Vendor, but limiting it so that you can only buy 1 of each drug every wave. I think that having somearmor/ more HP/ being able to get enemies off you quicker/ maybe take away STR all together,should be the first things to fix because i don't know about you but most people just can't spam the buttons that quickly without like 30% of your STR. Also have the shops be a bit closer as it can be hard to get to both on the larger maps in 30 seconds or change the 30 seconds to like 60 seconds instead since we can skip to the next round. As for all stages in general: you're only really supposed to reach wave 20. Can you try to place the game folder in a different location? I think this will make using them more satisfying. Kind words are very helpful and motivating to do more stuff for this game. There was a nasty bug that caused loading issues, which was fixed in v1.0.3. This problem is fixed from v1.0.3 on. If I were to count all the good ideas and changes everyone has suggested here, it's probably going to turn into a list of a 100 things to do. The white android up top that comes alive after turning the switch on is also just for fun, no gameplay elements are involved.I 'm not sure what you mean with emergency end button. /** * Error Protection API: WP_Paused_Extensions_Storage class * * @package * @since 5.2.0 */ /** * Core class used for storing paused extensions. These codes are rewards given out by the developer that can be redeemed for Knobs and Revives in the gam e, both important currencies that can be useful to help your character on its DOORs journey. The postal code that starts with 3 goes at the top. Your shack score is broken, but that's okay because it's supposed to be the easiest stage. Maybe I will. If this is not the case, the game will go on pretty much forever. PS I will look into the save file later once i wake up from my nap since i been up about 24 hours now to see if i can find it. Updated Captivity to v1.0.4 November 19, 2020 by Perveloper 6 #patch Added difficulty option. All my partners that trusted me to make all the software for this crazy project. And I'mgladyoulikeF.E.R,thatoneismyfavoritetoo! You've reached pretty good scores honestly. I appreciate the immense support and and dedication. I'm just gonna make it quicker.I'm thinking of nerfing a bunch of enemies, mainly:- Flies: I think I'm gonna reduce Strength drain and Libido increase on sex. Most people will understand if you need break due to anything life related and won't be mad. All pistols are pretty cheap too because I designed them to be weaker than the other types of guns in the game. You say you can't see the options menu? I like this game, and the update made it better. Reading all the comments makes me a little dizzy, simply by the sheer number of cool ideas and kind words. Now I tried 4 stages so far and stage 1 was fine butafter that it was really hard to do anything after like round 5 either due to the orcs blow darts/traps, the really small maggots/fly bullshit or the metroids like/ fast as fuck dudes that can down you in 4 hits plus the face hugger that i tried to find a way to get off me for like 10 mins before just being over run by everything else. I am not lying that I would pay for a button or slider just for that singular sfx*Edit*Scratch that, the Master volume can be off and it still plays the fly sfx ahahaha. I will post a devlog with what I will be working on soon. Cunnilingus to the spider Queen, of course, is available, but this is a bit not what I want. Also, Space Station stage is quite linear with no vertical platforming. This is a random exe file coming from an unknown source, Norton can see that as fishy. I'm gonna see if it will work well with this game.Building an in-game options menu is pretty hard right now, because I've programmed the GUI of the game pretty badly. Captivity. Hmm.. As well asa item that restores you STR. I think it really fills a niche in the NSFW game community that was just waiting to be filled, and I really hope your work inspires others to do the same. in the cave level it could happen that if a musca grabs you to the nest, then drops you then grabs you immediately after, it bugs itself and no longer does anything after the animation. Adding a random element to it may be a bit too much. Try your desktop.The problem is that for some reason the game can't connect to your save file (Captivity_Data\StreamingAssets\xGameDB.db). Anupdateiscomingoutveryquicklybtw,withmostlybalancechanges. It is Leaps better than most H-platformers, but there is still something off. I like hyonosis stuff too. but how long is the wait time for the load up? It helps. Reload speed is also very high with pistols. -I know getting knocked down is meant to be punishment for running out of health, but the recovery duration seems way too long imo, to the point where i had fallen on top of the pit to the right of the starting area on the FER map, the robots still had time to fall into the pit, climb 2 platforms and still managed to down me again before my standup animation had the chance to finish. Knobs are used to buy stuff in the Pre Run Shop, like Vitamins, Lockpicks, and Flashlights. I still have to use a macro to get out of grapple for some enemies. Just kidding, your comment got me reading up on persistentDataPath. Some suggestions i think would make sense based on JakeLone's andmy feedback: -The wakeup animation for when you first log into the game and subsequent wakeup animations after failure should be switched around, that way you only have to see the longer animation once on startup and shorten the subsequent ones. There have been a lot of good recommendations and compliments in the comments so far so I don't have a ton to add, but I don't think anyone mentioned the idea of bosses. I am just so exited, but I want some narrative. It could be based on residual money from each match, or each match could track an overall score, which could carry over into points. As for the Musca thing, that's new to me. grapple mechanics are a little unforgiving even on the new casual difficulty. Hmm that doesn't sound too good. just loading. Although I do agree it would fit nicely with this game.I already added a difficulty option in v1.0.4. Explore the bunker and interact with various things - find a way to escape! If you have never used ROS or catkin before, I recommend following these tutorials. I've published 1 app ever for an Apple device, and I remember it being quite a hassle. Use your pick-axe and explosives to defend yourself. I like the idea of Flies being annoyingly fast and quick to 'hump' the player. Now that i played the last stage i will say that it is hard to do without access to the weapon shop early but not to hard as it seems as the different enemies don't start to spawn till you open certain doors which i did like but fuck the puppet cloaking till she near. With Baird in your party, move on to the next area. It was still reliable enough to run the game over 2 w.e with around 60 people playing it and nothing breaking. That's pretty creative and oddly specific. I moved it to the desktop and still nothing, should I move that file anywhere? Are you sure you also reached the minimum required wave number? The reason for that is that making an adventure game with a chronological storyline and level progression towards sensical goals is quite hard. A girl has been. Personally I liked the goblin minor animation, smaller enemy sizeplay with the player character is good, and I think you can do more with them than just larger enemies could, you can just exit to main menu and click play game again. Maybe you guys are right. Our game is called Captivity and it's a co-op adventure, roguelike-ish game with some puzzle elements! Game is coming up as a High Risk Norton Virus, anyone else have this issue? But again, with the way I've built AI and stuff, it will be quite difficult to implement this. Which is fine since this is a porn game first, wave shooter second but most people are going to get around wave 8 on most maps for a while then drop it and move on which is why sometimes you sadly have to make a game easier then attended if you want lots of players or give a small buff here and there to keep their attention and play longer. hey, just so you know mate, theres a bug where if you pause the game while someone is raping you, you can wiggle out of it no problem. Do you know what can cause audio issues? I found out about this on f95, played the version they had then realized there were updates. Thanks. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Check the windows audio mixer:, So while the link in question did not lead to an immediate fix, it did lead me to the source of the problem. It's an SQLite database file called xGame.db.Thanks for your comments. No problem, also I can't seem to get the "Help Me" Experiment on FER. 2BILLIONVISITSRedeem for a revive and 100 Knobs (New) SCREECHSUCKSClaim this code for 25 Knobs Roblox DOORS Codes (Expired) These codes are no longer valid for Roblox DOORS. Gallery is on my priority list. But this is a pretty big change, so don't wait for it right now. Also, it's kinda hard to come up with something she can do. I can't consistently work on Captivity, and that's why I don't expect consistent money from generous people. Atleast, that was what I started doing when I was playtesting it, so I removed it mid-way through development. Captivity is a multiplayer horror game in which you play the role of a patient who was being used as a guinea pig for multiple terrible experiments carried out by a corporation that was working on a top-secret government . Thanks for the suggestion I'll think about it! Roblox DOORS Codes (Working) Here's a look at all the working Roblox DOORScodes. #lostlands8 #sandcaptivity #fivebnAn artifact found on Earth interferes with Susan's life and forces her to return to adventures."Lost Lands: Sand Captivity. I believe the dev has said that there'll be more levels and roughly 4-ish enemies per level to fight and see what they do, and I look forward to it. Subscribe? Captivity 0.1 APK download for Android. ..just checked my bank account. Normal mode is the mode that the game always used to be, so nothing changes until you switch to either Casual or Hard difficulty. I feel like they're too inaccurate for their damage, capacity and reload speed for them to be a reasonable purchase later on, even when fired while crouching, altho im not sure if doing that actually boosts your accuracy/recoil recovery or not. I thought that they have H-attacks like fingering, strap-on, Cunnilingus and some tools like a wooden horse or a sex machine. Shack wave 41 could have gone farther but was getting bored and wanted to try the other stages at the time/ is the mostbalance of all the stages, Cave wave 13 Just fuck the maggots and flys, with the lights on the stealth boys aren't to much of a problem it just you have tomake sure you are always moving on that map tho. with an escape minigame attempt and a farmer guard on the other side of the barred door. I'm happy to hear you like the enemies. tf is up with that? i made a account just to ask, after being bugged by this for a few hours. I'm not sure if you're aware, but a lot of discussion about this game has been going on in the F95zone forums, just in case you didn't know or something. The only special directories that are not for an ESP are: the names of these directories are pretty explanatory by themselves and the ESP folder has its own README. captivity game door code. I did this on purpose cause I don't want people to play the game while crouching 95% of the time. Maybe a item that restores1 heart that cost a lot so it can't be spam bought. captivity game door code. I encountered something like that in the past too but I thought I fixed it. Gameplay:-. I would have just suggested a difficulty option cause my game doesn't save for some reason and it makes me restart but another way could be adding permanent buffs for completing experiments such as zombie II hunter makes you do more damage to them, dog toy makes them deal less lust damage or snack make you take less damage from bites. The Specialty on that level would be that some enemies spray pollen witch when they hit you, make you extra horny witch means maximum libido is increased and libido increases slowly over time to get rid of it you could add an item or it has a timer. So I'm gonna think about some way to balance this, maybe a new drug with proper pricing or something.- A drug that makes escaping sex easier. I'm gonna work on that soon!The content menu idea is very interesting. You don't like Patreon?I'm thinking about adding some sort of cheat mode, in which you can play the game with cheats but can't complete any Experiments.Gallery mode is on the todo list, stay tuned for it! If you are tech savvy, you can open up the save file and look for yourself hehe. Ok. Now I understant.If it is too hard for you, don't bother.